


Hope you find this course interesting and have at least some fun with it! Don’t hesitate to contact me by email or at my office hours.

Course Objective: The student will be introduced to Electrostatic and Magnetostatic.  Dielectric, magnetic, and conducting materials will be discussed as well as capacitance, inductance, and conductivity. Also, magnetic circuits, dielectric and magnetic hysteresis will be discussed. By the end of the semester, Maxwell’s equations and transmission line theory will be introduced along with time-varying electric and magnetic fields

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Resources in ONLINE.UPR (MOODLE)


REVIEW: Vector Algebra, Coordinate System and Vector Calculus

Chapter 4: Electrostatic Fields 

Coulomb’s Law and Field Intensity, Electric Flux Density, Gauss’s Law, Application of Gauss’s Law, Electric Potential

Chapter 5: Electric Fields in Material Space

Properties of Materials, Convection and Conduction Currents, Conductors

Chapter 6: Electrostatic Boundary-Value Problems

Resistance and Capacitance

Chapter 7: Magnetostatic Fields

Biot-Savart’s Law, Ampere’s Circuit Law, Magnetic Flux Density, Magnetic Scalar and Vector Potential

Chapter 8: Magnetic Forces, Material and Devices

Forces Due to Magnetic Fields, Classification of Materials, Inductor and Inductances, Magnetic Circuits

Chapter 9: Maxwell’s Equations

Faraday’s Law, Transformer and Motional Electromotive Forces, Displacement Current, Maxwell’s Equations

Chapter 10: Electromagnetic Wave Propagation

Waves in General, Wave Propagation in Lossy Dielectrics, Lossless Dielectrics, Free Space and Good Conductors, Power and Poynting Vector, Reflection of a Plane Wave at Normal Incidence

Chapter 11:   Transmission Lines

Transmission Line Parameters and Equations, Input Impedance, Standing Wave Ratio and Power, Smith Chart